What this website isn’t:
- Due to my experience being a US citizen and graduating from a US MD school, I will not be able to share information for international nurses or medical graduates. though this website will hopefully provide you with information on how to leverage your nursing career, I have no experience and know next to nothing about requirements for things like visas, etc.
- I graduated with a nursing degree and worked as a registered nurse for five years prior to applying to medical school. This website will not be going in-depth into how to get into nursing school, rather the information is for nurses who are nearly graduated or already working and looking to further your education, particularly in medicine.
- The information provided on this website is based heavily on my own personal experience. I am sharing it because when I was going through the process of applying to medical school, I wish I had more information geared specifically to nurses. Therefore, it is not the end all be all for everyone, each person’s experience varies, and each program’s requirements varies. Please make sure you use this website as a complement to your own research of specific programs requirements.
- Nursing is an incredible career with nearly limitless options for specialty, advancement and monetary variation. This website is not here to persuade all nurses to leave the field, conversely, it is providing yet another rewarding option available for nurses to pursue!